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Downhill on an old city bike

24/11/2016 — by Christian H.

Who needs a high end MTB when you have skills?

Need A Friend?

22/11/2016 — by Anders Krischan

Try Skateboarding.

Brutally honest: Snowboarding.

21/11/2016 — by Anders Krischan

There has probably never been a more accurate depiction of snowboarding. To date. World wide.

Nonsense Logic

17/11/2016 — by Christian H.

Dancing with the elements.

The Price is right!

15/11/2016 — by Admin

Or maybe even way to low considering all the work done.

Say’s Who

13/11/2016 — by Christian H.

A very pleasant (and heavy) clip starring a surfer you’ve probably never heard of.

GLUE – expressing a close perspective to the feeling of snowboarding.

09/11/2016 — by Christian H.

Hands down. This is so so good!

Animal Chin 30 Years – Tony Hawk, Steve Caballero, Mike McGill & Lance Mountain

01/11/2016 — by Christian H.

Watch the Original Bones Brigade Skate the ‘Animal Chin’ Ramp for the First Time in 30 Years.

Monday Blues goes OPP

10/10/2016 — by Anders Krischan

3 letters and 3 stripes – suits the Shred quite well!

Scott Stevens – his very own iPhone campaign

12/09/2016 — by Anders Krischan

You don’t get that good at something hanging on your phone all day… unless you wanna become a tele-marketer.


30/08/2016 — by Christian H.

Just perfect as a little refreshment during these hot summer days.

Beautiful CC

24/08/2016 — by Christian B.

I got inspired to self pity recklessly watching this clip… Awesome!