The Happy Film
ART & DESIGN, MUSIC & FILM — 20/12/2016 — by Christian H.
Designer Stefan Sagmeister lives in the the city of his dreams, creating work for the Rolling Stones and Jay-Z. Yet, he suspects there must be more to life. Turning himself into a design project, he attempts to change his personality to become a better person. Things don’t go as planned.
Directed by Stefan Sagmeister, Ben Nabors, Hillman Curtis
Produced by Ben Nabors
Cinematography by Ben Wolf
Edited by Sam Citron and Akiko Iwakawa-Grieve
Music by Colin Huebert
Additional Score by Matt Abeysekera
15/07/2015 — by Christian H.
Advanced concept vandalism. Graffiti 2.0. Nice one.
A Super Fluo Smoothie
04/03/2016 — by Anders Krischan
Some Old School Snowboarding for all you 40+ Shred mice to reminisce about back in the days.
Pool Service Announcement – A Short Film by Dean Dickinson
25/08/2020 — by Jakob Oster
During the Regan administration in the USA, Nancy (Regan) created the “Just Say No” campaign. This encouraged children to simply say no to drugs. The movement was part of the government’s efforts into improving the War on Drugs. In the early 80’s, BMX was on the rise and so was a cheap, highly addictive form […]