Sunday Session – Enjoy a Slow Dance
BOARDS & BIKES, MUSIC & FILM — 13/09/2015 — by Christian B.
I, we, a lot of my buddies actually have to admit: We have a little Ando man-crush. Nothing too serious, just the pure admiration for someone who surfs like a maniac while carrying the anti-jock gene. I am not really sure though, what girls think of Craig Anderson. Is he too skinny? Is he maybe just not enough of the provider type of guy? (Note that his employer just filed for bankrupcy). I would think he looks cosy as a koala who’s got a very delicate sense of fashion. But who am I to judge girls perception of cool or fool – most certainly the absolutely wrong guy. How did I get here? I do not know. The story of a weekend… a slow dance.
Now you enjoy your sunday on the couch while dreaming of a world where everybody is friends and nobody paddles on your inside.