A 100-Year-Old Church transformed into a Skate Park covered in Murals by Okuda San Miguel
ART & DESIGN, BOARDS & BIKES — 26/12/2015 — by Christian H.
Merry Christmas! Today we have something (un-)holy:
Originally designed by Asturian architect Manuel del Busto in 1912, the church of Santa Barbara in Llanera, Asturias, was abandoned for years and crumbling from neglect. Luckily, a group of enterprising individuals lead by a collective called the ‘Church Brigade,’ with help from online fundraising and Red Bull, the church was salvaged and turned into a public skate park dubbed Kaos Temple. As if having a skate park inside a beautiful abandoned church wasn’t enough, artist Okuda San Miguel was comissioned to cover the walls and vaulted ceilings with his unique brand of colorful geometric figures. Nearly every flat interior surface is covered with a rainbow of color, illuminated from every side by tall windows, making this a truly special place to skate. Watch the video below to see an interview with Okuda where he talks about his inspiration both for Kaos temple and his other works around the world. (via designboom)
Source: by Christopher Jobson
Photos by Lucho Vidales
Nicolas Müller Full Part – Absinthe’s TurboDojo
28/03/2018 — by Christian H.

Absinthe’s TurboDojo features Mikkel Bang, Nicolas Müller, Hans Mindnich, Brandon Cocard,