DIG X Alex Kennedy
ART & DESIGN — 05/12/2015 — by Christian H.
Behold, a new AK video! Alex Kennedy and Rich Forne have been working real hard on this one clocking clips from multiple trips to Berlin, Tel Aviv and Barcelona, and we’re sure you’ll agree that it’s nothing short of a damn masterpiece. Obviously we’ve been massive fans of AK since day one and we couldn’t be happier with this long overdue follow up to his first DIG video back in 2011. Is this AK’s most progressive edit to date? Let us know what you think in the comments below. Source: http://digbmx.com
17/10/2015 — by Christian H.
I think I need a break – let’s watch a video and think about a ride.
A Print Sensation: The Swissue
09/12/2015 — by Admin
Suisse snowboarding through the eyes of Pleasure Snowboard Mag. Styled and printed for you to read.
Pool Service Announcement – A Short Film by Dean Dickinson
25/08/2020 — by Jakob Oster
During the Regan administration in the USA, Nancy (Regan) created the “Just Say No” campaign. This encouraged children to simply say no to drugs. The movement was part of the government’s efforts into improving the War on Drugs. In the early 80’s, BMX was on the rise and so was a cheap, highly addictive form […]