Things That Can Kill You – Death Spray Custom
ART & DESIGN — 06/12/2018 — by Christian H.
‘Things that can kill you’ is a short documentary about the British artist Death Spray Custom… a man who’s iconic work has been seen on everything from motorbikes and helmets to racing cars and power tools.
Shot on Red Epic with 18-50 & 50-150 Red Zoom lenses, and 5d/60d with Zeiss Distagons
Directed and Edited by Joe Marcantonio
Produced by Simon Aboud, Death Spray Custom and Dial M Films
Camera by Joe Marcantonio and Andrew Lawrence
Sound by Neil Johnston and Tom Joyce at Factory
Grade by Pat Wintersgill
Titles by Leo Marcantonio
Meet the Surfboards That Make Craig Anderson “Craig Anderson”
08/11/2019 — by Christian H.
Some insights into Craig Andersons quiver of surfboards.