Notes From: Step Panther
ART & DESIGN — 09/02/2016 — by Christian B.
Shredders they are; Step Panther from Sydney. There are guitar(s) plus you might hear a base (maybe), some drums for sure. Not overly complicated yet highly appreciable. Perfectly fit to acoustically illustrate saturday and sunday 1 to 5 pm or to be sung along at night when there is a rad party going on. Read Notes from: Step Panther as written down by Steve of Step Panther.
What fits your music?
We don’t really fit in too well, but we try sometimes.
… This answer actually perfectly links to what Step Panther sound like – next question.
How many people in your band when on stage?
Can you please state your favorite musical-instrument and your initial inspiration to play music?
I can’t speak for the other 2, i like guitars best my initial inspiration was heavy metal.
How would you describe the sound you do?
Casual, uncomplicated, direct.
What are the key-elements of your sound?
Loudness, Coolness, Dumbness.
Do you take care of lyrics? What are the topics you cover and messages that matter to you?
I care a lot but i don’t say anything important , i just care about the words.
When playing a concert, do you prefer people to dance in communion or everybody to do its own thing?
I say you should do whatever you want, don’t do something because everybody else does it, it might not feel good.
One of the 3 guys is Steve – I spoke with via mail… so basically we had typo-convo. The pic I stole from Step Panther’s Facebook. Credit. (Please also note that the surf-spot down below rarely breaks. Or at least is a bit of bucket-list thing for surfers in California. I am sure there is a shark swimming in the bay.)
How about drugs?
We don’t use much, police hassle me sometimes.
What are major influences?
Hopefully to just hear or see something that gives me a good idea.
Make a decision: Would you rather be the greatest live-band on earth OR the most influential studio-band of now?
Maybe if you were the most influential band you would get depressed because every other band is ripping off your stuff, and you are not hearing anything new, so i choose best live band.
Which other artists do you admire or think to be rad?
At the moment DIIV, Yuck, Bad Dreems, Wax Witches, Ocean Party, Sleaford Mods, The Drones, Thee Oh Sees, Kurt Vile, Hooten Tennis Club, Hockey Dad, Christopher Owens, Jeffrey Lewis.
Thank you dear Step Panther
ABP Presents: Richard Bull
28/05/2015 — by Christian H.
We talked with artist Richard Bull about his switch from running a successful design studio in London to becoming an artist and what role surfing played in this evolution.