Mambo in Tokyo
ART & DESIGN — 27/06/2015 — by Christian H.
Our friend Mambo had an artist residency in Tokyo recently and brought some nice footage with him: ‘’I just got back from Tokyo, where I did a residency at La Boite creative studio, ending with a solo private show in the very nice Minato-ku area, as well as a couple of live paintings for my friend and fashion designer Agnes B, one in her Omotesando store, the other one at Isetan department store, celebrating the French week ‘’Bonjour France”. Here are some pictures from this lovely trip, showing the work done and some graphics and other delights that I noticed while running in the city. Enjoy!’’
– Mambo
Face Time’ Mural, Berlin – Various & Gould
20/07/2015 — by Christian H.
The duo’s first large scale mural in Berlin (on 350 m²) reflects their love for collage and screen-printing.