Skateboarding In A Global Pandemic
ART & DESIGN, BOARDS & BIKES — 11/04/2020 — by Christian H.
With quarantines and “shelter-in-place” becoming the new normal, leave it to skateboarders to find the silver lining in this situation. Russell Houghten’s winning film entry for our 2014 REDirect project imagined a bizarro Los Angeles where traffic and pedestrians were non-existent; his eerily prescient ‘Urban Isolation’ is a must-watch while you are cooped up this week. Please stay safe and healthy, and we hope to see you on the streets again soon!
Source: The Berrics
28/01/2019 — by Admin
Since the early 1990’s at least 314 homeless people died from the heavy cold in Germany… Rocco and his brothers & Dies Irae took action! Big props!