Forward Festival – Munich / Vienna

ART & DESIGN — 02/05/2016 — by Christian H.

A few weeks ago the Forward Festival took place in Munich and Vienna. Even though we had press tickets we missed that one and looking at the photos now we are sure it’s a shame we missed that one! So for anyone who also missed it, at least here are some photos from the Forward Festival. Featuring various artists and designers like Stefan Sagmeister, Erik Kessels, ZWUPP, Mirko Borsche,Salon Alpin etc.

The next Forward Festival and next time we will definitely be there!


• Julian Mittelstaedt
• Kirsten Becken
• Lupi Spuma
• Thomas Unterberger

1-ThomasUnterberger-Forward-Festival-2016-4532IMG_6810 FORWARD_FESTIVAL_122_c_Lupi_Spuma IMG_6658 6-ThomasUnterberger-Forward-Festival-2016-4614 7-FORWARD_FESTIVAL_134_c_Lupi_Spuma 8-DSCF3648 DSCF3888 DSCF3992 DSCF4229 FORWARD_FESTIVAL_001_c_Lupi_Spuma FORWARD_FESTIVAL_023_c_Lupi_Spuma ThomasUnterberger-Forward-Festival-2016-4410 ThomasUnterberger-Forward-Festival-2016-4949